PropertyRadar provides both the web app, and a mobile app. (See mobile app info.) The Supported and Tested for the PropertyRadar web app are indicated next. Additionally we provide sections on Not Supported or Tested, and Not Support and Known Issues below.
Supported and Tested on the Web App
Operating Systems (OS)
Apple macOS, latest version
Microsoft Windows, latest version
Web Browsers
Google Chrome, latest version
Display Resolution
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768 landscape.
Recommended screen resolution: 1280x800 landscape, or higher.
Most of the web app supports touch-screen finger input, however a mouse or touchpad may be needed for some input and interaction.
Internet Connection & Access
We recommend Cable, Fiber, or DSL connectivity at 10mbps or greater. Wireless connections or connectivity below 10mpbs may result in system time-outs and interruption.
Other Operating Notes
Older computers may experience issues due to processor power and memory capacity. PropertyRadar is a modern data-intensive web application. Some older computers may struggle with the ability to process.
Not Supported or Tested on the Web App
The following systems are not supported or tested, but they may work for you.
Safari (macOS)
Firefox (Windows & macOS)
Edge (Windows)
Operating System (OS)
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Tablets & Touch-screen Notebooks
Notebook computers in tablet mode. Some aspects of the application are not finger-friendly and a mouse is required for some interaction. When the notebook is in tablet mode and is oriented "portrait" (rather than landscape) some aspects of the app may not resize perfectly depending on your screen resolution, especially if it is less than 768 in height or 1024 in width.
iPad Tablets with A8 chipset or newer and Retina display. Some aspects of the application are not finger-friendly and a mouse (pen) is required for some input or interaction.
Android 7 (or later) tablets using Chrome and having a 9.7" screen with 2048x1536 resolution or greater.
Some users are able to run our mobile apps natively on their tablets with success. We do not test or support this use case.
Not Supported and Known Issues
Windows Internet Explorer.
Any tablet oriented in portrait with a width less than 1024 pixels.
Any tablet oriented in landscape with a height less than 768 pixels.
Tablets with screens under 9" diagonal, and resolutions less than 1024x768.
Some aspects of the application are not finger-friendly, especially for screens under 9" diagonal. A mouse is required for some input or interaction.
Mobile Smart Phones, please use our mobile apps.