We've updated the look and feel of PropertyRadar. No major changes to features or functionality - it's basically the same PropertyRadar with a fresh coat of paint.
Along with the "new paint", some things to note:
Faster performance
We overhauled the front-end to make the app work faster with less overhead. We're not done either. Expect more speed enhancements this year.
A modern flat UI design
Cleaner and more crisp, "flat" user interface design increases both performance and readability.
Comparables in Interactive Property Profile
We're working to simplify and improve our Comparables feature and it is now only available from our Interactive Property Profile under Market Value and Market Rents. More soon.
Touch friendly UI for tablets and touch monitors
The new touch friendly user interface is spaced openly and lets you work with PropertyRadar with your fingers on your tablet or other touch sensitive screens.