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Managing Your Workflow View

Define and work through your business process in a List

Updated over a year ago

What is Workflow View?

The Workflow View is one of five ways to view results in Search. Workflow View enables you to visually track and move records through various statuses that you can customize. This feature allows for a clear understanding of the current status of each record, ensuring that they are being appropriately managed.

Using the key features in the Workflow View, you can:

The Workflow View

  1. From the Main menu, select My Lists.

  2. Open the List you want to view by clicking the number of properties in the List.
    How this List is displayed will depend on your selections when you last closed the List.

Select Workflow View to display the List in the workflow columns:

Display the Workflow View

Edit Status Names

After opening your List in the Workflow View, you can change the names of the columns or even the order of the columns to reflect the steps in your business process more accurately.

To Edit Status Names

  1. Select the Workflow View option from the View menu.
    The List is shown in workflow columns.

  2. From the Columns menu, select Edit columns status names.
    The Status Names dialog box is opened:
    ​Default Status Settings

  3. Change, re-order, or remove any of the Status Names.
    Columns are displayed in numerical order.

  4. Click Update when you're satisfied with your Status Names.

Change Property Status In the Workflow

You can work through your business processes using the Workflow View by changing the Status Name for the properties in your List. You can visualize your work progress by moving the properties through your workflow.

Change Status in Workflow View

To Change Property Status

  1. In the property panel, select the arrow menu to choose a Status Name. for
    This will move the property to the associated column.

  2. Change the Status Name for the property when there is a change of status in your business process.

Choose Workflow Columns to Display

You may want only to show certain columns in the Workflow View. To change your Workflow columns:

  1. In the Auctions Workflow window, select the Columns menu.

  2. Click Choose columns to display, then select the columns you want in your Auctions Workflow window.
    The Workflow is updated with your selections.

    Select Columns to Display in Workflow View

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