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PropertyRadar 2018 Product Release Notes
PropertyRadar 2018 Product Release Notes

Product Updates, New Features, Fixes, and Known Issues for PropertyRadar Web and Mobile Apps

Updated over a week ago

Note: The most current release notes are at the top of this document. The oldest at the bottom.

PropertyRadar 3.5 Web App Updates

The 3.5 release integrates Make a List with Explore as well as numerous minor improvements and bug fixes. 

The Make a List interface was improved to make the Explore map a focus and bring data visualization to the list making process for greater context and awareness of criteria results. Starting the creation of a list from Explore was also introduced.

New Features

Explore is now a frontend to Make a List

Make a List now previews matched properties as you're adding criteria.
As you add criteria, the map view will show an outline around the matches and zoom in to that outline.

Once you're within your limits to create a list, a Grid view and Card view are available.
Added Find Criteria to Make a List to make finding specific criteria faster than opening all the categories.

Added a lot of new Transfer Document types.

Added over 100 Quick Lists in Make a List

Improvements & Behavior Changes

We now save the full size of user-uploaded pictures.  The pictures are not resized when displayed full screen allowing users to have full resolution, high-quality photos.  We limit uploads to 20MB and only jpg.

Updated the styling and functionality of the shape tools and measurement tool in maps.

The Draw Criteria tools were removed as a button and added on top of the map with the other map tools.

Updated toolbars throughout the app.  Consolidated menus for List views to Connect and Manage and moved reports to the Share menu on the right.

Moved add criteria controls to the left sidebar in Make a List.

In Make a List, you can now add heatmap criteria directly from the heat map legend.

Broke the Save property option in list view into multiple menu items.  Added the ability to remove properties from a list.

In list view for Lists, there is now an option to reset columns back to defaults.  This is on the menu for adding/removing columns.  This was not added to legacy searches.

Users can now select None as a state on Quick Search > Owner to disable the state filter.

Maps will no longer place a red pin when you search for a location.

You can now unselect a row in List grid view by clicking on it.

Phone numbers under contacts marked as Primary will now display as the first number.

Removed the ability to edit existing criteria in Make a List.  You now need to remove the criteria and add the modified one.

Added a menu entry for Make a List to the main app menu.

Resolved Issues

Clicking on parcels in maps now use the fingertip instead of the middle of the hand.

Improved how properties are identified for getting StreetView maps. Many properties which may have had StreetView on Bing, but not in PR will not have it in PR as well.

Made the tooltips for the < back navigation consistent through the app.

Fixed an issue where the screen would flicker if the mouse was hovered over the dividing line between twro properties in list view.
Updated several dialogs to the new UI style.

Down payment is now displayed for all Transfer types if known.

When editing a transfer document, non-editable fields will no longer display.

When editing transfer documents with types that can be children, there is now a Parent document menu that lists all possible parent documents to link.

Assignment documents now show their parent document number in the View/Edit view.

Resolved an issue preventing the saving of PDF report documents when viewed in Chrome.

Resolved issue where the Find box in legacy searches would not close if navigating to My Lists.

Resolved an issue with the app freezing when opening a larger list after a smaller list.

Resolved issue where you could not print reports when selecting more than 500 properties in list view.

Resolved issue where export would export a different number of properties when choosing All versus selecting all.

Known Issues

If you enable a heat map at a higher level than they can be viewed, the app prompts if you want to zoom in to see it.  If you select yes, it zooms in one level too little to view the heatmaps.  The user needs to click + to zoom one time to see.

The side menu in Property Profile sometimes shows the wrong section as active
Adding transfer documents without setting Grantor/Grantee values is automatically setting such values.

When creating shapes in Explore/MAL, if you click one shape then another, the tool gets in a bad condition.

Criteria tool remains active when tool was turned off by clicking on tool icon.

Cancel button in legacy searches is out of place when searching using Firefox.

If you open a Recent search within a legacy search, the Options > Summary persists the options from the previous search.  This does not impact the search you loaded beyond displaying incorrect values in the summary.

Having both the Heatmap legend and the Measurement tool open in the legacy search half screen map does not show them both. One if off the screen
Client displays errors when typing only spaces in the location bar in Explore.

When using Prev/Next between properties in Foreclosure Search, if it is the same property with different notices, the displayed notice is not changed to the correct one.  It works when coming from a different property.

Adding shapes to maps on touchscreen devices can be jerky and set the wrong radius.

Using InVite as a team member does not set the status as the team.  The InVite status is only visible from the user's perspective.

Using Safari, the street/aerial map preview is not displayed next to the large map.

Adding "Owned Outright" as criteria from Explore does not set the criteria.  All other values with ranges work.

Clicking next to "No Coverage" in Explore Legend creates an infinite loading spinner
List grid view can freeze if you scroll several times viewing large lists.

Quick Search > Owner can sometimes return different results if you type the name with mixed case.

After clicking off the shape tool in Explore/MAL, the user can still draw the shape
Wonderbar results include counties from outside our covered states.

Client is not warning the user when drawing polygons with overlaps.

Share menu icon in Explore not always displaying active/inactive background correctly.

Creating tiny rectangles in Explore/MAL can result in an error.

Radius tool allows users to type in a radius value that is way too large.

Error displayed trying to finish a polygon by double-clicking having only one point.

Error displayed finishing a polygon by closing shape when lines crossing.
Missing message to guide user when finishing a measure polygon crossing lines.

An incorrect message displayed when a list containing shapes is copied
Unable to select all shapes when creating a copy of a list.

In Property Profile, if you edit a contact with an InVite supplied email address, you cannot delete it.  No errors are shown.

Using Add Criteria from Explore always sets your default state as the State criteria.  If the map was set over a different state, this cause confusion.

TRACWEB-7926 - The displayed map selection in MAL includes all the land between two disconnected areas such as counties or cities.

PropertyRadar 3.4.x Updates

Mobile App iOS 3.4.1 & Android 3.4.2 Updates (October 5, 2018)

Resolved an issue where in a very rare circumstance the Property & Owner Profile will not display the correct notice for the search result it was selected from within the from Trustee Sale Schedule and Foreclosure Search.

Mobile App Android 3.4.1 Update (August 22, 2018)

Resolved an app crash scenario when a users would very quickly tap to a different screen after doing a Find in Trustee Sale Schedule search results.

Mobile App Android 3.4 Update (July 5, 2018)

IMPORTANT: This release drops support for Android 4.4 (Kitkat)

Fixed an issue where being prompted for permission to access the camera/photos on a users device did not take the user to the camera/photos after granting permission.

Fixed Listings links (Zillow,, Redfin) for properties that have an '&' in the owner name.

Changed Add/Edit Notes dialogs to be full screen.

Moved the Edit button for Property/Contact Notes to be next to the Add button.

The Add New Contacts form now allows for adding Phone, E-Mail, Social Links and a Note while creating the contact.

You can now set the primary phone number from the mobile app when editing a contacts's phone number.

Simplified the editing of Phone/E-Mail/Social links for contacts. You can now hide default entries and add custom ones. You can no longer edit an existing entry, but must delete it.

Merged the Details and Value tabs of Property Profile in to the Property tab. This consolidates most of the data that was in the old Property Profile in to one tab. Neighborhood data such as Demographics, Risk Gauges and Environment are still on a separate tab.

Added a Settings page through the app's menu to set the default size of uploaded photos. Users will not be prompted for the three sizes when selecting/taking pictures.

Cards in Card View now display up to two contacts for a property.

Added Disclaimer to the Contacts tab.

Revamped the photo upload work flow:

  • Removed the prompt for picture size

  • Removed the prompt for Take/Use

  • Users are taken to a camera roll view. The upper left choice is a picture of a camera.

  • Users can now upload a mix of new pictures and existing pictures from the same selection view

  • Users can take multiple pictures at once. Unlike on iOS, they must select the camera after every picture taken.

  • Newly taken pictures are no longer cleaned up and remain in the device's 'Pictures' album

PropertyRadar 3.4 Release Notes (June 4, 2018)

PropertyRadar 3.4 release addresses customer feedback with the Property Profile layout as well as fixes several lingering bugs.

New features:


When viewing the PropertyRadar web app on an iOS or Android tablet, we now prompt the user with how to add an app icon to their device.

Property cards now show up to two contacts for the property.

Quick Search > Owner now works with user added phone numbers and email addresses.

Quick Search > Owner will now only allow you to enter one Limit field.  While you could enter more than one previously, only one was applied. This provides the visual representation to what is actually done.

Property Profile

Combined the Details and Values tabs in Property Profile to the new "Property" tab.  This consolidates much of the information that was previously all in one page in the old Property Profile layout.

Users can now scroll the top map off the screen in Property Profile so that they can see more of the actual property information on their screen.

Property Profile now remembers the tab and vertical section you last viewed every time you open a property.  Note that this is done locally and will not persist across different browsers, computers, or when using  Private/Incognito mode.

The address in Property Profile was moved from the map to the header bar.

Interest Level stars were moved from the map to the tab bar in Property Profile.

The inset picture in Property Profile was moved next to the map rather than over it.  It will now display in order, the newest photo you have added to the property, Street View, Bird's Eye view, Satellite view or a blank image.  Clicking on whichever is displayed opens the appropriate full-screen view of it.

Owner search from Property Profile will now use Mailing address or property address when we do not have a Primary Address for the contact.

Improved the performance of Property Profile.  Note that users with old computers and out-dated browsers will likely experience performance issues due to older technology being incapable of processing data as efficiently as modern web browsers and faster processors.

Improved the My Lists box in Property Profile to not allow using the backspace/delete key to remove lists while typing.

Moved "Site Vacant" from the Location section to the Site section in Property Profile.

Added a Delete button for user added Contacts.  This is available when you click the button to Edit the user added Contact.

The Add New Contact dialog now lets you also fill in things such as Phone, Email, Social link and Notes while creating the Contact

The Edit icon for Notes in Property Profile was removed and replaced with a button next to the Add button.

Make A List

Added Vacancy as criteria to Make a List and a field in Property Profile > Property > Site.  This is only available to Pro (and Employee Only) packages.

Added Interest Level and Status as criteria in Make a List > My Data.  Note that when you share such a list, the user who opens the shared link will have their Status imposed.  Example: Jane shares list criteria that uses their third Status labeled "Great deal". John receives Jane's share, however, John's third Status is "Runaway." John's list results will be properties with the status of "Runaway!" which match all the other criteria.


Boundary layers are now included in Explore Reports


Backend services supporting FLX are being removed as FLX has been deprecated.

Changed the wording of the notification when a user enabled mobile notifications to refer to Lists rather than Saved Searches in the directions of how to disable.

Improved the consistency of button colors and the disabled/hover shading.

Clicking the Banner map in Property Profile will now persist any changes the user made to Satellite/Map and zoom levels.
Updated the wording used in the Upgrade Package dialog

Users can now hide Social Accounts for Contacts.

Resolved Issues:

File attachments in Property Profile which have names starting with an emoji character now display their names correctly.

The Settings > Billing > Transactions table now displays correctly within browsers on mobile devices.

Resolved several more issues on touch-enabled computers and tablets.

The web app now works in Private Browsing in the Safari browser.

Resolved several issues with Reports from comps.  They should now match what the user sees in Property Profile.

Fixed the tooltip in Foreclosure and TSS results to not truncate for DOT Position.

Improved the validation of user added social links to ensure they're properly entered.

Removed the scrollbars added to the Demographics summery in Property Profile when viewed with Chrome on a Windows touchscreen device.

Fixed an issue where scrolling would break in Chrome when viewing TSS search results when there were lots of results.

Improved the matching of user entered social links to the correct icon.  The app is now more tolerant of the use/omission of 'www.' and 'HTTP://'

Changed the delay interval for search suggestions to better work with slower typers.

Improved how full-screen views such as Settings work when changing the browser window size.  This should prevent seeing other screens partially showing from behind.

Quick Search > Radar ID now ignores any white space entered before the Radar ID number

Resolved an issue where leaving a layer legend open in Property Search would not close that window when navigating to Explore

Improved the experience when logging in to a team that you're no longer a member of.  The user will be prompted and their setting reset to their user rather than the team.

Using Route from List results now works as it does from Legacy Searches.  It will validate that you have a property selected and that you do not have more than 23.

When opening an address from Contacts or a Transaction Document, if we do not have info on that property, we will no longer offer a link to show a card.  This prevents users seeing blank property info cards when linked.

Users that do not have a package to enable Phone and Email Quick Search will no longer be sent to Explore

Disabled the ability to add new lines to Amount fields in View/Edit Document.  This had resulted in validation errors when users accidentally hit Return or pasted in values with a new line.

Fixed an issue where Transfer Search would fail if you included a search option for In List

The Loan Status field will now display for all loan documents, including open loans.

Resolved an issue where the "Add Note" button for Contacts in Property Profile could get cut off when in Edit mode for that Contact

Fixed My Lists in Property Profile getting cut off when using a narrow browser window

We will no longer display the phone icon next to a Contact if we do not have a 10 digit phone number available.  We were displaying it when we had incomplete numbers.

Resolved an issue when viewing multiple photos in Property Profile where they would start to overlap.  Each photo should view on its own page now.

Editing a document should now display all editable fields, not just those that had data.

Improved how Deleting a property from a list in Property Profile works.  The property should now be removed from Prev/Next navigation without having a performance hit when removing it.

We now display a spinning radar when adding an Alert through My Lists.

Users on canceled subscriptions will no longer be prompted with the force-upgrade message.

We will no longer show maps in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean when we do not have a geocode for a property.  We will not display a blank, background color area in place of the map.

Added several missing tooltips for View/Edit Document for Loans

User added links to unknown social services no longer create an https link unless the user specified https.

Resolved an issue where users with more than 250 lists could see our internal ListID number rather than a list name in Property Profile. This could also hide some lists from the available list to add a property to or in Make a List.   User will now not see this issue unless they have more than 1000 lists.  Note that this could make loading the My Lists page slower as that was also being restricted to 250 and now allows 1000.

PropertyRadar 3.3 Release Notes (March 16, 2018)

With v3.3, we focused on over 200 of our user's requests for features, data, as well as resolving issues. 

This release enhances Quick Search, updates Explore, adds features to lists, updates our web framework and fixes lots of bugs.The framework update should resolve several issues on touch platforms.

And there’s still some Known Issues (below) to be aware.

We’ve improved Quick Search to get you better results, faster. There’s two tabs depending on your focus: Property or Owner.

Make A List – New Criteria & Functionality

New Data! Vacancy Data

We're excited to announce Vacancy Data availability with v3.3. Vacancy data, identified by the US Postal Service, tells you (1) whether or not a property (site) is identified vacant, or (2) whether or not an owner's mailing address is identified vacant. Shown on Property Profile as well. For more details on how to make use of Vacancy Data, click here.

Include/Exclude Lists in Lists

With PropertyRadar v3.3 we introduce a simple, yet powerful way to make managing your targeted marketing easier by giving you the ability to treat a List as criteria to be included or excluded from a new List you create. From within Make A List, navigate to Criteria > My Data > Lists.

New Data! Added Congressional District as criteria and is shown on Property Profiles.

We moved the Owner Occupied criteria selection location to Criteria > Property in Make A List. It used to be in Criteria > Owners which was not intuitive. Everyone pointed out that Owners aren't actually occupied or not. Properties are occupied (or not) by Owners. Duh! If you regularly use Owner Occupied criteria in making lists, know that it's now at Criteria > Property > Status > Owner Occupied.

You can now remove the State criteria if you're using a Map location criteria. This allows for crossing state lines.

My Lists Dashboard & Working With Lists

You can now sort your Lists! Head to Settings > List Preferences to sort Size (largest to smallest), Size (smallest to largest), Alphabetical, Newest first, and Oldest first.

Added the ability to rename lists.This is available from the Settings icon on each list card from My Lists. Alerts for renamed lists will be automatically renamed.

My Lists now loads significantly faster for users with a large number of lists

Lists with zero properties will now display in My Lists

Lists are no longer automatically deleted if you remove all properties.You must go to My Lists > Settings (from the card) to delete a list.

Demographic criteria in Make a List will now search against any owner, not just the primary owner.Tool tips have been updated to reflect this.

Explore & Map Interfaces

Heatmaps and Boundary are now drop menus from the top bar to work better of screens of all sizes and accommodate the 23 heatmaps. The tabbed selection has been removed.

NINE new owner demographics heatmaps in Explore, 23 heatmaps in total now. We tweaked the Explore UI a bit to fit them all in.

The nine new heatmaps included are: 

Ownership: Owner Occupied, Owner in county, Owner out of county but in state, and Owner out of state. Vacancy, Ownership Type, Owner Age, Owner Gender, Children Present, Owner Education, Owner Income, Business Owner

Changed the boundary lines on maps to look different than parcel lines.

Search from Explore now uses Make a List. We now allow Make a List to cross state lines when using map coordinates to support this.

Street names are now displayed on Aerial view.Birdseye and Street View still do not.

We’ve made the radius/polygon tools and heatmap/boundary Layers consistent across all map interfaces. You can toggle the Legend for heatmap Layers on and off now in Make a List and the Searches just like Explore. All the new demographic heatmaps are available as well.

Resolved Issues:

Added horizontal scrollbars when the browser window is narrower than 1020px

Selected rows in List list view will now persist when adding/removing columns (such as removing columns for making a list view report).Selections will still be lost when changing sort order.This fix was not applied to legacy searches.

Property Profile reports will now show the Details row in Transactions history just as displayed in the web app.

Enabled use of larger icons for use on Retina displays for all maps

List selection criteria in Make a List will no longer offer already selected criteria.Example criteria are:City, Zip, County, Street, Use Code, Mail Address, Mail City, Mail Zip Code, Mail State, Sale Place, Trustee, Trustee Phone, Txfr Month, and Title Co

Fixed issues related to namig a list "0".It's no possible to create and delete lists named "0"

You can now remove properties from lists that contain a #, ? or / in the name

Resolved issues with list names longer than 50 characters such as longer names not being recognized as dynamic lists.The fix for this removes the ability to create lists longer than 50 characters (done in a prior release) and all exising lists with names longer than 50 characters have been truncated (new in this release).

Property Profile will no longer reset to the top when adding Notes, Photos or Files on the Details view.

Improved the experience of uploading files (Photos, Files, Documents).The web app now checks to make sure files are 20MB or smaller before uploading, the service has better error messages, pictures are validated as the correct format (we only allow jpg) and the generic error message if the server does not respond is improved.

Legacy Search list view results now update when you save properties.The icons will get stars and the filter bar numbers will update.

"New Listing" alerts will not be sent out unless there is an active listing.This resolves an issue where users were getting stale alerts when we received records that were new to us.Note that this was fixed previously, but not included with prior release notes.

Legacy Search results will no longer display "none" for Interest Level and Status Level.The column will now be blank if not set.

Fixed an issue where if a user added a Map Location to Search Options, then removed that option, the search would not work.

Auction counts from Saved Properties should now match the search results when clicking on them

Fixed issue where the legend from Explore would display over Settings

The Foreclosure > Mortgage > Foreclosing Loan Position and Transfer > All Transfers > Transfer Month criteria in Make a List can now be selected.

Fixed issue where the search results map measurement info box would persist over Search Options

Resolved issue were List-based alerts don't alert on sale date or opening bid changes

Fixed cosmetic issue where the Expand icon for search results was changing to Restore and not back to Expand

Fixed cosmetic issue in Settings > Billing where the Transactions would cover the User Agreement text and link

Fixed issues around changing Member/Admin status in team settings

Fixed issue with being able to enable Report Branding from Settings > Report Branding

Fixed cosmetic issue with the Share icon in legacy search not being aligned with the other icons

Fixed the chip labels for some Owner fields in Make a List

Fixed the InForeclosure status for Property Profile reports

Saved searches should correctly remember the units used for Raidus

The share button in List settings is now disabled for static lists

Fixed Explore report to always show the map.This was broken for Mobile clients

Improved how Find works within List View.It should now let the user complete typing before filtering and doing other strange things

Adding/Removing columns in List list view now works like in legacy search.You can add/remove multiple columns without needing to open the menu each time.

Added measures to prevent users adding properties to the same list as the alert for that list triggered.Note that it's still possible if a list uses the Within List criteria.

Updated the Google Maps link for Directions from Property Profile to use Google's latest recommended method. For some people, this will improve the match for Current Location.For others, it will be worse.

Known Issues:

Using Route from List list view does not validate you have properties selected or that you have 23 or less selected.This can result in nothing happening when you click Route or in getting an error in the route report.

Property Profile map legends can persist when returning to Explore from Property Profile

For very large lists (thousands), using Lists Map view can have very poor performance.This happens after you zoom in past the point clusters to individual property icons.In some instances, the browser needs to be refreshed or closed/re-opened to become responsive

Quick Search > Radar ID fails to match if the Radar ID is preceeded with spaces.It works with trailing spaces.

Filters for Owner Quick Search do not submit a search using the Enter key

Quick Search > Owner > Name error handling incorrectly states that the name must be Last, First.We support either order

There is no Cancel box on the Alert Defaults dialog.

3.2.2 Hotfix Android Mobile App (January 10, 2018)

Improved the display of Due Now and Next Bill Date values in the Change subscription dialog for dealing with scenarios such as trial users subscribing and for some cases of upgrading/downgrading packages.  This does not provide a path for trial users to change packages within their trial period.

3.2 Android Mobile App (January 5, 2018)

The 3.2 release for Android app is mostly the addition of support messaging regarding subscription package level access to certain features or data. All known issues were resolved.


Improved the dialogs for adding/removing/editing Phone, E-mail and Social Media links for Contacts.

Updated privacy policy acceptance and in-app upgrade for discontinued packages. 


Notes can now be deleted from Property Profiles and Contacts.

Fixed issue where Contacts with too many "other properties" to display were not showing the help text to use Owner Search to see all associated properties.

Fixed an issue where the app could crash when adding photos to a property.

Added "None" as an option to the Layers menu in Explore and Maps.

Fixed the Prev/Nav navigation from My Lists > Map View > Property Profile.

Fixed some crashes unique to and reported from various phones types.

Added a message telling users that shared list URLs must be opened on a computer.

Fixed the ability to paste text into the Notes fields for Properties and Contacts.

Fixed the ability to delete the last photo from a property.

Resolved issue where the wrong data was presented in Comparables.


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