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Criteria Glossary© 2007 - 2025
Criteria Glossary© 2007 - 2025

250+ Search Criteria available to create your List

Updated this week


State - State in which the property is located.  

County - County in which the property is located.

City - City in which the property is located.

ZIP Code - ZIP Code in which the property is located.  

Address - The property address per county tax assessor records. Should include street number, street name, direction (N, SE), type (Way, Rd, Lane), and unit or suite number. Should NOT include city, state, or ZIP Code.

Street Name - The name of the street without the street number, direction (N,SE), or type (Way, Rd,  Lane).  

Address Number - The number portion of the street address.  

Assessor Parcel Number - Assessors Parcel Number (APN) assigned by the tax assessors office to uniquely identify the property. Note that formatting, including dashes, must match - you may want to use quick search to find a property in that county to lookup the proper format. Also note that in some counties APNs are formatted as book-page-lot, and you can enter just book-page to see all of the lots on that page.

Subdivision - The name of the subdivision the property is located in as provided by the county assessor's office.

Radar ID - Unique ID for locating properties within PropertyRadar.


FIPS Code - The code assigned to the state (2 digits) and county (4 digits) under the Federal Information Processing Standards.

Odd or Even - Is the property street number odd or even.

Address Complete - Whether or not the property address is complete and not Unknown.

Street Direction Prefix - The pre direction at the beginning of the street name - N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, and SW.

Street Direction Postfix - The post direction at the ending of the street name - N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, and SW.

Carrier Route - The 4-character USPS delivery route code in which the property is located. The carrier route code begins with a letter to designate the type of carrier route and 3 digits identifying the route, e.g. R001.

Tax Rate Area - The tax rate area the property is located in as provided by the county assessor's office.

Census Tract - A geographic region defined for the purpose of taking a U.S. Census, usually coincides with city or town limits or other administrative areas. Enter as 6 digits without the decimal point.

Site Congressional District - The number of the property's congressional district within the state, between 1st and 53rd.


Using the Map shape criteria tools, you can add a shape or shapes in the exact area(s) you want to search in the map. Review the section Things to know before you begin, as well as the specifics for each type of shape.

Add a shape as a Location criteria for your search

Polygon - Add a multi-sided shape: 1. Click the Draw Polygon icon. 2. Click repeatedly to trace around the area you wish to search. 3. Double-click to close the shape.
You can adjust shapes by dragging the handles at each corner. You may have multiple polygon shapes, but they cannot overlap.

Rectangle - Add a rectangle: 1. Click the Draw Rectangle icon. 2. Click and drag your mouse until the rectangle is your desired shape and size, releasing your click to finish the shape.
You can adjust shapes by dragging the handles at each corner. You may have multiple rectangle shapes, but they cannot overlap.

Radius - Add a circle around a point on the map: 1. Click the Draw Radius icon. 2. Click where you want the center, then drag your mouse until the circle is your desired size, releasing your click to finish the shape.
You can adjust the center or radius by dragging the white square, or by setting the radius length in the shape information window. You may only have one radius criteria shape.

Entire Map - Add the map view as your search criteria. 1. Make sure there are no other shapes in your current view. 2. Click the Entire Map icon.

Quick Lists

View the separate Quick List Glossary for details.


Property Type - The standardized description of the properties use or purpose. These are based on land use codes that counties use to group properties of similar types together for tax assessment purposes. These typically represent the current use of the property and may be different than zoning which specifies the allowed use(s) of the property. The actual county land use codes vary between counties and are not user friendly, so we map those codes to this standardized list for your convenience.

Beds - The number of bedrooms in the primary structure.

Baths - The number of bathrooms in the primary structure (.5 is a toilet and sink only, .75 adds shower but no tub).

Year Built - The year the property was built. Note that many counties will only have this data for newer properties after whatever date they began tracking it.

Age (Years) - Age in years of the primary structure of the property.

Square Feet - The square footage of the property.  

Lot SqFt - The size of the lot in square feet.

Lot Acres - The size of the lot in acres.

Units - The number of units, if the property contains more than one.

Pool - Whether or not the property has a swimming pool.

Site Vacant - Whether or not the property has been identified as vacant by the United States Postal Service. This data is made available in order to suppress mailing to undeliverable addresses.

Site Details

Zoning - The city or county zoning code for the property.

View Type - View from the building (e.g. Gulf, Mountain, Pool).

Structure Details

Rooms - The number of rooms in the property.

Stories - The number of stories the primary structure has.

Fireplace - Whether or not the primary structure has a fireplace.

Air Conditioning - Whether or not the property has an air conditioning system.

Heating - Whether or not the property has a heating system.

Garage Spaces - The number of garage spaces.

Garage SqFt - This is the total square footage of the primary garage or parking area.

Basement Type - The standardized basement type.

Basement SqFt - This is the total square footage associated with the Basement portion of a building. This would include both finished and unfinished areas.

Construction Type - The primary method of construction (e.g., Steel / Glass, Concrete Block, Log).

Roof Type - Type of roof (e.g., Gambrel, Gable, Flat, Mansard) and type of roof covering (e.g., Clay Tile, Aluminum, Shake).

Exterior Wall Type - The type and/or finish of the exterior walls (e.g., Vinyl Siding, Brick Veneer, Frame / Stone).


Flood Zone Code - The flood zone designation as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Flood Risk - The flood risk as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Owner Name - Each person or entity that has been extracted as an owner of the property from assessor or recorder documents.

Number of Properties Owned - The estimated number of properties that are currently owned by the owner of the property.

Deceased - Whether or not the owner has deceased.

Owner Phone Number- The phone number for any person identified as a current owner or principal of the property from assessor or recorder documents.

Has Owner Phone - Whether or not we have a phone number for any owner of the property.

Has Owner Mobile Phone - Whether or not we have a phone mobile number for any owner of the property.

Owner Email Address - The email address for any person identified as a current owner or principal of the property from assessor or recorder documents.

Has Owner Email - Whether or not we have an email address for any of the owners of this property.

Age - The age of any owner of the property.

Gender - The gender of any owner of the property.

Marital Status - The marital status of any owner of the property.

Children at Home - Whether or not any owner of the property has children.

In Bankruptcy - Whether or not an owner of the property is currently in bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Status - The current status of the bankruptcy case. Open cases are ongoing. Discharged cases indicate the bankruptcy is closed and the debtor has been relieved of at least some of their debt. Dismissed cases indicate that the case was closed without relief from debt. A closed case without dismissal or discharge may indicate that not all adversarial proceedings are finished. A converted case is still open but has changed from on chapter to another.

Bankruptcy Recording Date - The date the document was recorded at the county recorder's office. In some counties this may also be shown as the page.

Bankruptcy Chapter - The chapter of the bankruptcy code under which the bankruptcy case has been filed. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation proceeding available to consumers and businesses. Chapter 11 bankruptcy provides a procedure by which an individual or a business can reorganize its debts while continuing to operate. Chapter 12 allows a family farmer or a fisherman to file for bankruptcy, reorganize its business affairs, repay all or part of its debts, and continue operating. Chapter 13, often called wage-earner bankruptcy, is used primarily by individual consumers to reorganize their financial affairs under a repayment plan. Chapter 15 provides debtors, creditors, and other parties involved in insolvency cases in foreign countries a mechanism by which they can assert their rights.

Bankruptcy District - Which of the 94 federal judicial districts the bankruptcy was filed in.

Has Divorce - Whether or not a current owner has been divorced after they purchased or otherwise owned the property.

Divorce Recording Date - The date the document was recorded at the county recorder's office. In some counties this may also be shown as the page.

Divorce Decree Date - The date the court signed the divorce decree, finalizing the divorce.

Owner Occupied - Whether or not the property is owner-occupied. If the owner claims this property as their primary residence OR the owner's address is the same as the site address, this property is considered Owner Occupied.

Same Mailing Address -  Whether or not the mailing address for the property tax bill is the same as the property address. This is commonly used as an indicator of whether or not the property is Owner Occupied, and in many areas is a good way to determine which properties are likely to be rentals. In some areas, however, there is no mail delivery to the property and therefore the owner's mailing address may be different even though they do occupy the property.
Same County -  Whether or not the owner's mailing address is in the same county as the property. This can be very useful for finding rental owners who live too far away to take care of their property. These owners may be looking for property managers, to sell to another investor, or to list the property for sale with an agent.  

Same State - Same State allows you to search for properties where the owner's mailing address is, or is not, in the same state as the property. This can be very useful for finding rental owners who live too far away to take care of their property. These owners may be looking for property managers, to sell to another investor, or to list the property for sale with an agent.  

Ownership Type - The type of ownership: individual, husband and wife, multiple owners, corporate or trust.

Number of Properties Owned - The estimated number of properties that are currently owned by the owner of the property.

Mail Address

Mail Vacant - Whether or not the owner's mailing address has been identified as vacant by the United States Postal Service. This data is made available in order to suppress mailing to undeliverable addresses.

Mailing Address - The owner's mailing address per county tax assessor records.

Mailing City - The owner's mailing city per county tax assessor records.

Mailing Zip Code - The owner's zip code per county tax assessor records.

Mailing State - The owner's state per county tax assessor records.

Mailing Address Complete - Whether or not the owner's mailing address is complete and not Unknown.  

Mail Congressional District - The number of the owner's congressional district within the state, between 1st and 53rd, based on their mailing address.  


Owner Birth Month - The birth month of any owner of the property.

Ethnicity - The ethnicity of any owner of the property.

Child Ages - The age ranges of the children of any owner of the property.

Adult Children at Home - Whether or not any owner of this property has adult children living at home.

Language - The primary language spoken by any owner of the property.

Education Level - The education level of any owner of the property.

Household Income - The estimated household income level of any owner of the property.

Household Net Worth - The estimated net worth of any owner of the property.

Occupation Group - The occupation group of any owner of the property.
Business Owner - Whether or not any owner of the property is a business owner.  

Home Business - Whether or not any owner of the property has a home-based business.

Interests - The hobbies and subjects any owner of the property has shown interest in.

Charitable Giving - The types of donations any owner of the property has made.  

Value and Equity

Estimated Value - The estimate of the property's value based on public records data. Referred to in the industry as an automated valuation model or AVM.

Est. Value/SqFt - The estimated value per square foot (estimated value divided by sq ft).

Estimated Equity $ - The estimated dollar value of the equity in the property calculated as estimated property value minus the sum of all loans which are modeled to be open on the property. For example, a property with a first mortgage of $50,000, a second mortgage of $30,000, and an estimated value of $100,000 would have $20,000 in estimated equity.

Estimated Equity % - Estimated equity as a percent of the estimated property value taking into account all loans which are modeled to be open on the property. For example a property with an open $80,000 first mortgage and a property value of $100,000 would have 20% equity. It is not possible to have more than 100% equity since it is impossible to own more than all of something. It is however possible to have less than 0% equity, or negative equity, as it is possible to have loans for more than the property is worth. Note that when searching for negative equity of 10 to 15% you would enter -15 as the minimum equity percent and -10 and the maximum because -10% is more equity than -15%. Also note that equity is tied to combined loan to value (CLTV). Searching for a maximum of -10% equity would be the same as a minimum 110% combined loan to value.

Combined Loan to Value - The combined loan amounts of all loans modeled to be open on the property as a percentage of the estimated property value. For example a property with a first mortgage of $50,000, a second mortgage of $30,000 and an estimated value of $100,000 would have a combined loan to value (CLTV) of 80%. Note that CLTV is tied to equity. Searching for a property with a minimum CLTV of 80% would be the same as searching for a maximum of 20 % estimated equity.

Estimated Open Loans Balance - The estimated combined amount of all open loans (noted as 1st, 2nd or 3rd) based on our computer model.

HUD Fair Market Rent - Estimated rental value is based on HUD (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) Fair Market Rental data.

Estimated Cap Rate - Estimated Cap Rate based on estimated value. Capitalization rate (or Cap Rate) is the ratio between the annual net operating income of the property, and its capital cost. This ratio shows the potential annual return on investment (ROI) of the property assuming no financing is used. Our estimated cap rate is calculated as ((monthly rent x 12) - annual property taxes - estimated insurance) / estimated value. Our estimate is a bit simplistic and would be more complete if we included other expenses, like vacancy allowances or utilities; and we included other capital costs, like improvements. Also see Estimated Cash Return for a cash-on-cash ROI analysis.

Estimated Cash Return - Estimated Cash Return based on the estimated value. The cash-on-cash return is the ratio between the annual cash flow of the property, and the cash invested. Cash-on-cash return is used to calculate the potential annual cash return on investment of the property after financing. Our estimated cash return is calculated as ((monthly rent x 12) - annual property taxes - estimated insurance - (monthly payments x 12)) / estimated value - financing. For monthly payments and financing, we assume a standard fixed-rate 30-year financing. Our estimate is a bit simplistic and would be more complete if we included other expenses, like vacancy allowances or utilities; and we included other capital costs, like improvements. Also, see the Estimated Cap Rate for an ROI analysis that excludes financing.

Property Tax

Assessed Value - Total taxable value of the property including land and improvements.

Assessed Value/Est. Value - Percentage of the value assessed by the county assessor to the estimated current value of the property.

Assessed Land Value - The assessed value of the land.

Assessed Improvements - The assessed value of the buildings, structures and other improvements to the land.

Year Assessed - Year the property was last assessed.

Annual Taxes - Annual property taxes.

Estimated Tax Rate - The annual property taxes as a percentage of the total assessed value of the property.

Homeowner Tax Exemption - Whether or not the owner of the property claimed the property as their primary residence in order to receive the homeowner's property tax exemption. In a resort area, which often have many second homes, lack of exemption more likely indicates second homes than rentals. Useful only in states or counties where homeowner exemption data is recorded. For other areas use the Owner Occupied search option.

Property Tax Delinquent? - Whether or not this property had delinquent property taxes as of the last tax status update.

Years Property Tax Delinquent - The number of years that the property taxes have been delinquent. Calculated simply as the current year minus the year the taxes were first reported delinquent and does not take into account months or days. Most tax jurisdictions will initiate a tax sale once property taxes are 5 years delinquent.

Property Tax Delinquent Amount - The estimated amount of property taxes delinquent as of the last tax status update.

Loans & Liens

Estimated Number of Open Loans - The estimated number of loans that are currently open and outstanding on the property. By selecting a value you can limit your search to only properties that have exactly that many open loans.

Combined Loan to Value - The combined loan amounts of all loans modeled to be open on the property as a percentage of the estimated property value. For example a property with a first mortgage of $50,000, a second mortgage of $30,000 and an estimated value of $100,000 would have a combined loan to value (CLTV) of 80%. Note that CLTV is tied to equity. Searching for a property with a minimum CLTV of 80% would be the same as searching for a maximum of 20 % estimated equity.

Estimated Open Loans Balance - The estimated combined amount of all open loans (noted as 1st, 2nd or 3rd) based on our computer model.

First Loan or Second Loan

You can view criteria for either the First Loan or Second Loan by clicking > next to the loan position for which you want to view criteria. The criteria listed in each are the same, just applied to the loan position you selected:

Loan Purpose - The purpose of the mortgage - purchase, rate and term refinance, cash-out refinance, construction, home equity line (HELOC), or reverse mortgage.

Loan Type - The type of loan - conforming, non-conforming, private, seller carryback, FHA, VA, SBA, conventional or jumbo.

Loan Date - The date the mortgage was recorded at the county.

Loan Concurrent - Whether or not this loan was made concurrently (at the same time) as another.

Loan Amount - The loan amount of the mortgage.

Loan Cash Out - The estimated cash available to the borrower after refinancing or taking additional financing.

Loan to Value - The loan amount as a percentage of the estimated value at the time the loan was made.

Loan Term - The amortization period of the mortgage.

Loan Original Lender - The lender name for the mortgage as originally recorded.

Loan Assigned - Whether or not the mortgage has been assigned to another lender.

Loan Assignment Date - The date of the most recent assignment of the mortgage.

Loan Assigned Lender Name - The lender name from the most recent assignment, or the original lender if the loan has never been assigned.

Loan Rate Type - The type of interest rate - fixed, adjustable, or variable.

Loan Rate - The interest rate of the mortgage. Note that this will be estimated for fixed rate mortgages as the actual rate is not public record.

Loan ARM Index - The index used as the basis of an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Margin - The interest added to the indexed rate on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Adjustment Frequency - How often the rate is adjusted on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Initial Reset - The initial date on which the interest rate is reset for an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Next Reset - The next date, after the initial date, on which the interest rate is reset for an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Prepay Rider - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a prepayment rider.

Loan ARM Prepay Exp Date - The expiration date of the prepayment penalty on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Loan ARM Interest Only - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has an interest only period.

Loan ARM Pay Option - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a pay option indicator.

Loan ARM Negative Amoritization - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a negative amortization indicator.

Loan Published Date - The date the record was published to PropertyRadar. For the date the record was recorded with the county see the recording or filing date instead.

Other Loan

Other Loan Purpose - The purpose of the mortgage - purchase, rate, and term refinance, cash-out refinance, construction, home equity line (HELOC), or reverse mortgage.

Other Loan Type - The type of loan - conforming, non-conforming, private, seller carryback, FHA, VA, SBA, conventional, or jumbo.

Other Loan Position - The current position of the loan for active loans, or the position of the loan at the time of reconveyance for those loans we estimate to have been reconveyed.

Other Loan Status - The current estimated status of the loan - active or estimated as reconveyed.

Other Loan Date Recorded - The date the mortgage was recorded at the county.

Other Loan Concurrent - Whether or not this loan was made concurrently (at the same time) as another.

Other Loan Amount - The loan amount of the mortgage.

Other Loan Cash Out - The estimated cash available to the borrower after refinancing or taking additional financing.

Other Loan to Value - The loan amount as a percentage of the estimated value at the time the loan was made.

Other Loan Term - The amortization period of the mortgage.

Other Loan Original Lender Name - The lender name for the mortgage as originally recorded.

Other Loan Assigned - Whether or not the mortgage has been assigned to another lender.

Other Loan Assignment Date - The date of the most recent assignment of the mortgage.

Other Loan Current Lender Name - The lender name from the most recent assignment, or the original lender if the loan has never been assigned.

Other Loan Rate Type - The type of interest rate - fixed, adjustable, or variable.

Other Loan Interest Rate - The interest rate of the mortgage. Note that this will be estimated for fixed rate mortgages as the actual rate is not public record.

Other Loan ARM Index - The index used as the basis of an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Margin - The interest added to the indexed rate on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Adjustment Frequency - How often the rate is adjusted on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Initial Reset - The initial date on which the interest rate is reset for an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Next Reset - The next date, after the initial date, on which the interest rate is reset for an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Prepay Rider - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a prepayment rider.

Other Loan ARM Prepay Exp Date - The expiration date of the prepayment penalty on an adjustable rate mortgage.

Other Loan ARM Interest Only - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has an interest only period.

Other Loan ARM Pay Option - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a pay option indicator.

Other Loan ARM Negative Amortization - Whether or not an adjustable rate mortgage has a negative amortization indicator.


Recording Date - The date the lien was recorded at the county recorder's office.

Lien Type - The type of lien, for example association (HOA) or mechanics liens.

Lien Position - The current estimated position of the lien, or the position of lien at the time of reconveyance for those that we estimate to have been reconveyed. Position is the priority of each loan's or lien's security interest in the property, with lower positions having higher priority.

Lien Status - The current estimated status of the lien - active or reconveyed (paid off or otherwise no longer secured by the property).

Lien Amount - The original amount of the lien. Not the current balance.

Lien Interest Rate - The interest rate of the lien, if any.


In Foreclosure - Whether or not the property is considered to be currently in foreclosure. In Foreclosure includes properties that are currently in one of the following stages of foreclosure: Preforeclosure (have recently had a notice of default filed and have not yet been sold or had a notice of trustee sale filed); Auction (A notice of trustee sale has been filed, and the sale has not yet been held or canceled); or the property is Bank Owned (foreclosure sale was held, but did not receive any bids and the property is now bank owned and has not yet been resold).
Do not use it at the same time as Foreclosure Stage or you may get zero or misleading results.

Foreclosure Stage - The current stage of foreclosure. You may select multiple stages to include in your results.

Notice Document Type - The type of foreclosure document, grouped by judicial and non-judicial foreclosures. In judicial foreclosures the process usually starts with a Lis Pendens or Final Judgement document (Preforeclosure). The foreclosure auction is then scheduled by a Notice of Sherrif Sale or, in Florida, the Final Judgement document (Auction). In non-judicial foreclosures the process usually starts with a Notice of Default or Substitution of Trustee document (Preforeclosure). The foreclosure auction is then scheduled by a Notice of Trustee Sale (Auction). Be sure to review our Foreclosure Stage criteria which works for both judicial and non-judicial foreclosures and takes into account the current status of the foreclosure as well as the document type.

Notice Recording Date - The date the document was recorded at the county recorder's office. In some counties, this may also be shown on the page.

Notice Published Date - The date the record was published to PropertyRadar. For the date the record was recorded with the county see the Notice Recording Date instead.

Sale Tracking

Sale Tracking criteria are only available in the counties where we offer coverage for and you have subscribed to our Trustee Sale Tracking feature. Please see our coverage page and ForeclosureRadar pricing for more information.

Sale Date - For notices of trustee sale: the date on which the sale is currently scheduled to occur for active foreclosures, or the last scheduled date for sales that have occurred or been cancelled.
For notices of default (preforeclosures): this is the estimated date of when the sale could first occur.

Prior Sale Date - Trustee sales can be postponed one or more times. The prior sale date is the date the foreclosure was scheduled for prior to the current sale date.

Postponed For - The reason the sale was postponed to a future sale date. If the sale has not yet been postponed then the reason is set to original indicating that the current sale date is the original sale date. Multiple reasons can be selected.

Opening Bid $ - The amount the bidding will or did start at. May be discounted from the published bid.

Opening Bid/Est Value - The opening bid as a percentage of the estimated property value (AVM).To find properties with a opening bid that is at least 30% below the property value, you would set the max value to 70%.

Winning Bid Amount - The winning bid at auction. If the property is sold back to the lender this is the same amount as the opening bid. If it is sold to a 3rd party this is at least $.01 more.

Notice of Sale

Original Sale Date - Trustee sales can be postponed one or more times. The original sale date is the date the foreclosure sale was initially published to be held on.  

Sale Time - The time at which the foreclosure auction will be held.

Sale Place - The address and city for the foreclosure auction.

Published Bid - The published bid in the notice of trustee sale. Typically represents the total amount owed on the loan as of the original sale date. May be discounted when the lender sets the opening bid.  

Published Bid/Est Value - The published bid as a percentage of the estimated property value (AVM). To find properties with a published bid that is at least 30% below the property value, you would set the max value to 70%.

Notice of Default

Default Amount - The amount shown in the notice of default that is required to bring the loan current as of the default date.

Default Date - The date on which the default amount was calculated.

Foreclosing Loan Position - The estimated position of the loan in foreclosure versus other open loans on the property at the time of foreclosure. Possible positions include the first, second, or third mortgage. Note that we estimate these positions using a computer model and they should not be relied upon for purchasing without verification. You may select multiple positions to include in your results.

Lis Pendens Type - One of the four following types of lawsuits that is being noticed as pending. 1) Foreclosure on mortgage, 2) foreclosure on HOA lien, 3) foreclosure on non-HOA property lien, or 4) other non-foreclosure legal action.


Notice Page Number - Page in recorder's book, used by some counties to record transactions.

Notice Document Number - The document number is a unique number assigned by the recorder's office to identify a particular document.

Notice Book Number - Recorder's book, used by some counties to record transactions.


Trustee - The name of the trustee handling the foreclosure.

Trustee Phone - The phone number to call for updated information on the trustee sale, displayed in the format: 916-555-1212

TS Number - Trustee Sales Number is the unique number assigned by trustee to identify a particular foreclosure.

Attorney - Name of attorney involved in the preparation of the notice.

Attorney Phone - Telephone number for attorney involved in preparation of the notice.

Case Number - Case number assigned by courthouse.


Foreclosing Loan Position - The estimated position of the loan in foreclosure versus other open loans on the property at the time of foreclosure. Possible positions include the first, second or third mortgage. Note that we estimate these positions using a computer model and they should not be relied upon for purchasing without verification. You may select multiple positions to include in your results.

Note: this criteria is in the Notice of Default category.

Foreclosing Loan Amount - The amount of the loan in foreclosure.

Foreclosing Loan Date - The date the loan document (Deed of Trust) was recorded at the county recorder's office.   

Foreclosing Lender Name - The name of the foreclosing lender.


Most Recent Change of Ownership

Purchase Date - The date the most recent change of ownership was recorded at the county recorder's office.

Purchase Type - The transfer type of the most recent ownership change.

Purchase Document Type - The transfer document type of the most recent ownership change.

Purchase Amount - The amount of the most recent change of ownership recorded at the county recorder's office. Not all change of ownerships will have an amount.

Purchase Seller - The person transferring title to or an interest in real property for the most recent change of ownership.

Purchase Percent Down - Down payment at most recent change of ownership. Down payment is the percentage of money the buyer put into the purchase in addition to any financing they may have received. Calculated as purchase price - total of all loans taken against property on day of purchase. Not all change of ownerships will have a down payment.

Purchase Amount Change $ - The dollar increase or decrease in purchase amount from the previous change in ownership. Calculated as most recent change in ownership purchase amount minus the previous purchase amount.

Purchase Amount Change % - The percentage change in purchase amount from the previous change in ownership. Calculated as (most recent purchase amount - previous purchase amount) / previous purchase amount.

Purchase Months Since Prior - The number of months between the most recent change in ownership and the previous change in ownership.

All Transfers

Transfer Type - The type of transfer the deed represents.

Transfer Date - The date the transfer or sale was recorded at the county recorder's office.

Transfer Month - Purchase month is the month the transfer took place and is also referred to as the anniversary date. This can be useful for sending annual reminders to buyers set to arrive during the month they originally purchased the property.

Transfer Document Type - The type of document that was recorded. Common types include Deeds (Transfers), Deeds of Trust (Loans), Notices of Default (Defaults), Notices of Trustee Sale (Auction), and Trustees Deed upon sale (Trustees Deed).  

Transfer Document Number - The document number is a unique number assigned by the recorder's office to identify a particular document.  

Transfer Amount - The amount of the transfer or sale recorded at the county recorder's office.

Down Payment $ - The amount of money the buyer put into the purchase in addition to any financing they may have received. Calculated as the purchase price minus the total of all loans taken against the property on the day of purchase.

Down Payment % - The percentage of money the buyer put into the purchase in addition to any financing they may have received. Calculated as the purchase price minus total of all loans taken against the property on the day of purchase.

Cash Transfer - Whether or not the transfer is a Cash Transfer. A transfer is considered a Cash Transfer when it is a market transfer with no simultaneous loans, indicating the buyer paid cash for the property.  

Was Listed - Whether or not the property was listed prior to the transfer.
A transfer is considered Was Listed if our database contains a listing that was active within 180 days preceding the sale. This is particularly useful for finding sales that likely weren't recorded in the local multiple listing service (MLS).

Most Recent Change of Ownership - Whether or not the transfer was the most recent change of ownership. Most Recent Change of Ownership limits searches to only include (or exclude) the most recent transaction involved in an ownership change. The transfer could be either Market or Non-Market.

Multiple Parcels - Whether or not the transfer included multiple parcels.
Multiple parcels indicate that the recorded document referred to more than one parcel, and that there are other properties in addition to the one shown associated with this parcel.  

Number of Parcels - The number of parcels included in the transfer document.

Buyer Name (Grantee) - The party receiving title or interest in real property.

Seller Name (Grantor) - The person transferring title to or an interest in real property.

Title Company - The name of the title company that generally acts as the combined agent of the insurance company, the buyer, the seller, and any other parties related to a real estate transaction, such as mortgage lenders. The title company reviews title, issues insurance policies, facilitates closings, and files and records paperwork.

Transfer Published Date - The date the record was published to PropertyRadar. For the date the record was recorded with the county see the recording or filing date instead.


Listed for Sale - Whether or not the property is currently listed for sale (there is a current listing, with a status of 'Active').
Do not use at the same time as Listing Status or you may get zero or misleading results.
Listing data is from 3rd parties and may be incomplete.

Listing Status - The current status of the most recent listing on the property.
Do not use it at the same time as Listed For Sale or you may get zero or misleading results.
Listing data is from 3rd parties and may be incomplete.

Listing Type - The type of listing, which can be one or more of Market, REO, Shortsale, QuickSale, Distressed, Non-Market, Auction, and Unknown.
REO (Real Estate Owned) is an industry term for properties that are owned by the bank after foreclosure.
Shortsales are properties that are listed for sale by the owner, but on which the mortgage debt exceeds the asking price and therefore typically require lender approval.
Market listings are normal for sale listings, typically by private properties, and with no lender approval required.
QuickSale listings are properties that were sold below average market price in order to sell quickly. Distressed listings are properties that displayed distressed activity, like a foreclosure notice indicating a likely short sale.
Non-Market listings indicate a sale between parties, but not subject to normal market exposure. Typically a transfer of title back to the guarantor.
Auction listings are properties that were sold in an auction environment, court side or otherwise. Unknown listings are properties with Unknown listings status or not provided from the MLS.

List Price - The asking price of the property listed for sale.

Price Reduced - Whether or not the current list price of the property was reduced from the prior list price.

Discount to Est. Value - The discount to estimated value is the percentage difference between the list price and the estimated value. It is calculated as 1 - (list price / estimated value).

Listing Date - The date the property was listed for sale.

Days on Market - Number of days since the property was listed for sale. For properties that are no longer active, this is the number of days between the date the property was originally listed, and its final status (sold, expired, etc).

Status Date - The date the listing status last changed. We check active listings for changes daily, and this date indicates the date of the last change, including new listings, price increases, price decreases, or changes to status. This is useful for finding properties that sold, expired, had price changes, or became pending during a certain time frame. Note this will only find listings where the most recent status change is within the specified date range. For example, you can't use it to find listings that were pending in January, if that listing is now sold, or if there is a new listing on the property.

My Data

Status - Your current status. You can define possible values for status by selecting Edit Status Settings.

Interest Level - The level of interest you selected for the property, from 1 to 5 stars.

In Any List - Include properties from the selected list or lists. May be used to create a subset of an existing list by adding additional criteria, or to combine more than one list. Only monitored dynamic lists and static lists are supported.

In All Lists - Include properties that appear on all of the selected lists. May be used to create a subset of multiple lists where properties match all criteria. Only monitored dynamic lists and static lists are supported.

Exclude List - Exclude properties that are within a selected list. Often referred to in marketing as a suppression list this is most often used to do things like exclude existing customers from marketing aimed at new customers. Only monitored dynamic lists and static lists are supported.

Saved Data

My Photos - Whether or not you have added any photos of the property.

My Notes - Whether or not you have added any notes to the property.

My Documents - Whether or not you have added or edited any documents in the transaction history of a property.

Criteria from My Lists

  1. From the list of all your Lists, select a list to view it's criteria.

  2. Click Add Criteria, to add all the list criteria to your current search.
    You can remove any individual criteria by clicking its X in the Criteria Selection Box.

Criteria Glossary© - Copyright 2007 - 2022 PropertyRadar, Inc.

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