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List Insights

Understanding Properties and Owners In Your List Better

Updated over a week ago

To get a new perspective of the owners and properties in a List, use the Insights feature. The graphs and charts provided show you new ways of looking at your market. And with these Insights, you can write better advertising messages, segment your list for better targeting, or expand and demonstrate your market knowledge.

Viewing List Insights:

  1. From the Main Menu, click My Lists.

  2. In My Lists, click Insights for the List you want to view.

  3. You can view Insights for both the Owner and the Property by clicking the associated tab.

  4. In Owner Insights (shown by default), specific List information is provided in card format. In most cards, you can hover over a category with your mouse, to display the specific percentage.
    - Snapshot of My List: typical owner Gender, Age, Education, Income, Networth, and Marital Status.
    - Owner Type: histogram showing (depending on your list) the percentages of Trust, Individual, Married, Multi-owner, and Corporate owner types in the list.
    - Gender: doughnut graph showing the percentages of Male and Female owners in the list.
    - Age: bar graph showing percentages of owners age by decade, with the average age shown in the bubble to the right of the graph.
    - Education: histogram showing the list's percentages of owners with Graduate, Bachelor, Vocational, and High School degrees.
    - Marital Status: doughnut graph showing the percentages of owners who are Married and Single.
    - Income: bar graph showing the percentages of owners at the indicated income levels.
    - Net Worth: bar graph showing the percentages of owners at the indicated net worth levels.
    - Children At Home: doughnut graph with the percentages of owners who do and do not have children at home.
    - Ethnicity: histogram showing the percentages of owners with the indicated ethnic backgrounds.
    - Charitable Giving: histogram showing the categories of charities to which the owners give. The percent of owners that have made charitable donations is shown in the bubble.
    - Interests: histogram displaying the percentage interested in a category.
    - Businesses: bubbles provide the number of Business Owners and Home Businesses that are in the list.
    - Occupation Group: histogram showing the percentage of owners that work in a category.

  5. In Property Insights (shown by clicking the Property tab in the Insights window), specific List information is provided in card format. In most cards, you can hover over a category with your mouse, to display the specific percentage.
    - Snapshot of My List: typical property Type, Square Feet, Bed/Bath, Value, Equity, Years Owned, and Structure Age.
    - Property Type: histogram showing the percentages of each property type in the list.
    - Owner Occupied: doughnut graph showing the percentages of properties that are Occupied, owners living in the County, owners living in the State, and owners living Out of State.
    - Sales Volume: the left bubble shows the number of transactions over the past 12 months for the properties in the list, with the percentage change below. The right bubble shows the sales volume dollar amount for the properties in the list, with the percentage change over the past 12 months below.
    - Transactional Volume Per Month: bar graph showing the number of transactions for the properties in the list for the past three years.
    - Estimated Equity (Residential): bar graph shows the percentage of estimated equity for the percentage of properties in the list. The average estimated equity for the properties in the list is shown in the bubble.
    - Estimated Value (Residential): bar graph shows the estimated property value for the percentage of properties in the list. The average Estimated Value is shown in the bubble.
    - Year Built: bar graph showing the percentages of properties categorized by age. The average property age is shown in the bubble.
    - Turnover: bar graph showing the percentages of properties categorized by the years after which they are sold. The average number of years for your List's Turnover is shown in the bubble.
    - Sale Prices Last 6 Months: bar graph showing the percentages of sales prices from the past six months for the properties on the List.
    - Square Footage: bar graph showing the percentage of properties on the List square footage
    - Debt: bar graph showing the percentage of properties at each level of the amount owed. The average debt for the List is shown in the bubble.
    - Assessed Value: bar graph showing the percentage of properties at each level of the assessed value amount. The average assessed value of the properties in the List is shown in the bubble.
    - Est Value Per Square Foot: bar graph showing the estimated value per square foot for the associated percentage of properties in the list. The average estimated price per square foot is shown in the bubble.
    - Assessed To Estimated Value: bar graph showing the Assessed Value over the Estimated Value in each category.
    - Estimated Tax Rate: bar graph showing the percentage of properties in the indicated tax rate categories. The average tax rate is shown in the bubble.
    - For Sale: bar graph showing the percentage of properties in the list that are for sale at the indicated sales price. The percentage of properties from the list that are listed for sale is shown in the bubble.
    - Vacancy: doughnut graph showing the percentage of the properties in the list that are vacant (Yes), and occupied (No).

By using the data that is relevant to your business needs, you can target your sales and marketing messages 

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