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Turning Off Integrations

Changing Automations for a List

Updated over a week ago

You're allowed a certain number of integration add-ons, depending on your subscription plan. You may want to turn off some integrations, so you can enable new integations.

Additionally, if you exceed the number of integrations available, the Too Many Integrations dialog box is displayed.

Turn Off an Integration

  1. Select My Lists from the Main Menu to display the My Lists window.

  2. In the List that you want to turn off integations, click Automations:

    Automations Link in My Lists

    The Automations window for the List is displayed:

    Automations Window for a List


  3. In the Enable Automations section, deselect the Enabled checkbox.

  4. Click Save at the bottom of the Automations window.
    The Automations for this List are turned off.

If you already turned-off an integration but it's still being called use the Account Settings window to delete an integration. We do not recommend deleting an integration.

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