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Importing a New List

Import files, or Zapier and Webhooks records, into a PropertyRadar List

Updated over 3 months ago

You can import files and records into a new List in PropertyRadar, depending on your subscription. Each import matches your records with PropertyRadar data. Subscription plans includes a set number of imports each month, and there is an additional cost if this limit is exceeded.

IMPORTANT: You must have enough funds available in your PropertyRadar account to purchase the records you select to import. If you don't have the necessary available account balance, importing a list will not be completed.

You can import from the following types of sources:

  • Files: Import CSV, XLS, or XLSX formatted files into PropertyRadar.

  • Zapier records: Import records into PropertyRadar using a Zap.

  • Import API: Program your own import using our (UPCOMING feature) Import API service.

Your files or records are matched with PropertyRadar data, according to how you set up your import. In setting up your import, you make selections based on the following options:

Once your data has been imported, you will need to Review Matches for the List. Your selections in the Import New List dialog box, especially Match Threshold, will factor into how many items you will need to review once the Import is complete.

Finally, after importing a list, you can Add Monitoring, Insights & Automations to your Import List.

Optimizing Match Quality

We give you control over which person or properties we should consider matches. We'd like to give you a few tips to optimize match quality for your Import.

  • County & APN: We suggest county and APN as a starting point for matches that provide a high confidence match.

  • Address: You must have the number and street, along with either a city or zip code, for a high confidence match.

  • Phone or Email: Exact matches only will provide a high confidence match.

  • Name: You'll need a combination of one of the three above fields.

To Import a List

Use the following steps to import a new list into PropertyRadar:

  1. From the Main Menu, click My Lists.

  2. In the My Lists window, select the +New List menu and click Import List.
    The Import New List dialog box is displayed:

  3. Type a new List Name in the textbox.

  4. Click the Source of the list to be imported, either from a File, Zapier, or Webhooks. (Depending on the source you select, the steps after using this Import New List dialog box will vary.)

    Choose a Source to Import Your List From

  5. Set the Match Threshold you want for this list using the slider.

  6. Select the Type of list you are importing, a Property or Customer List.

  7. Select the Importing Names Actions you want for the import.

  8. Click Continue.
    Depending on the source you selected in step 4, continue with the relevant steps:
    - To import files, use the Import windows.
    - If you are importing using Zapier records, continue with the next steps below.
    - When importing using Webhooks, use the code sample referenced below to understand how to program your import.


The Source of your import can be Files, Zapier records, or Webhooks. Depending on the Source you select in the Import New List dialog box, your next steps in the Import process will vary.

Importing Files

A file that can be imported into a PropertyRadar list must be in a CSV, XLS, or XLSX format.

When you select File as your Source in the Import New List dialog box, select all the other import configurations, then click Continue; you'll continue on with the next few windows that step you through completing your import:

  1. Using the Import window:

    Import Window with Element Call Outs

    You can get a sample copy of the fields used for import formatting by clicking the import-sample.csv download link.
    There are several ways of uploading the file data:
    - Click the Drop file here or click to upload box to select the file you want using the file directory pop-up, and click Next. Now, go on to step 2.
    - Drag your file from your computer into the Drop files here or click to upload box. Now, go on to step 2.
    - Copy all your data fields from your spreadsheet, then click the Or click here to copy paste table data link to paste the data into to text field in this next Import window. Then, select the delimiter type by which the data is separated, and click Next.

  2. In the Select Header Row window, make sure the correct row is selected to map your data correctly, then click Next.

  3. In the Map Columns window, map your File Columns to our import data fields, then click Next.

  4. In the Verify Data window, review the Task Explanation to make sure your data is set to be mapped correctly.

    When you've gone through and verified your data, click Next.

  5. PropertyRadar computes the purchase amount for your Import. (You may need to add money to your Current Balance to complete the Import purchase.) Select the checkbox that you accept the Import purchase.

  6. Click Purchase.
    Your Import begins processing, when complete, you can access the Import in My Lists.

    It may takes some time for the Import to be complete, depending on how large your import file is, and how many imports are in the queue.

  7. You will need to Review Matches in the List after the import is complete.

Importing Using Zapier

PropertyRadar creates an action in Zapier, and uses an authentication sign-in to post data to import. For more information, see Using Zapier with PropertyRadar.

Using the steps in To Import a List, you can select Zapier as the Source of your import; in doing so, the List Name is automatically set to Zapier Import.

Your Zapier Account

  1. Login to Zapier, and open your Dashboard.

    Zapier Dashboard Import Workflow

    Using the Dashboard is just one way to begin creating a Zap.

  2. Select the app you want to use for your import in the Connect this app... box; then connect with PropertyRadar in the with this one! box.

    The Import process will vary depending on the app you select to Import from. Our example provided will show the Import process using Google Sheets.

  3. In the When this happens box, select a Trigger in the app. Then, select the Import Property action in the then do this! box. Click Try It to view the process, then click Get started.

    Zapier Process
  4. Connect to the app you want, and allow Zapier access to your account. Zapier then steps you through the process of selecting the where the import data will come from (this process will vary depending on the app you are using).

    The Google Sheets example steps through selecting the Spreadsheet, and Trigger Column(s):

  5. Connect Zapier with your PropertyRadar account. Next, step through customizing the Zap with the fields you want to edit; then choose how you want them mapped:

  6. Test the Zap by clicking Send test.

    A test property is sent to your PropertyRadar account. Open My Lists in your PropertyRadar account, click on Review Matches in the Zapier Import list, then check to be sure the import test works the way you want.

  7. When you are satisfied with the results of the Zapier Import test results, you can then Review and turn on your Zap.

    - Click Edit in either the The following... box or Will be added as a Property in box to change the Zap functionality.
    - Click Turn on Zap when you are ready to begin your automated import with PropertyRadar.

Importing Using Webhooks

You can automate your Import using webhooks. Review Using the PropertyRadar Import API for more information.

Match Threshold

You can set how much importance you want to give in the automatic matching of information between your imported file and the PropertyRadar data. A variety of fields are compared between the two data sets, to determine the accuracy of the match.

Using the Match Threshold setting, you determine the level at which the files are matched. Records above the threshold you set will be automatically imported into the new List; files matched below the threshold will need to be manually reviewed after import.

  • Using the Match Threshold slider, choose the weight you want to give the automated imported record matching.

Property or Customer List

Another element of Import matching in the Import New List dialog box, is choosing to set data field queries based primarily on a Property List, or a Customer List. (Although records are matched using a variety of fields, not just property or customer data fields.)

When selecting the import option of weighting for a Property or Customer List, keep in mind there are ways in which the matching is affected:

  • If set as a Customer list, the matching algorithm could find the property, but not the person at that property, which may lead to the record not being a match.

  • If set as a Customer list, the algorithm could find a person, but at a different address, and we would still match them.

  • If set as a Property list, the algorithm could find that property, but not the contact information provided in the import data, which may lead to the record not being a match.

Select the button for either basing your import on a Property List or Customer List.

Select the Type of List You Are Importing

Importing Names Actions

When company and personal names are included in your import, you can select how you would like for them to be included in your List.

Review the statements regarding name importing, and select the checkbox(es) for the actions you want:

Reviewing Matches

After your data has been imported, you will find the newly imported List in your My Lists window.

New Import List In My Lists Window
  • The Imported List icon indicates the List type.

  • Click Review Matches to view the imported items that need matching.

  • The numbers in the List indicate how many matches were made in the import, out of the total imported. Click the numbers to view the List.

To Review Matches:

  1. In your newly imported List, click Review Matches.
    The Review Matches window for the List displays the records that are potential matches.

    Review Matches Window

  2. Click the Match Lookup (magnifying glass) icon for a list item.
    The Match Lookup window is displayed with the Import Data.

  3. Copy & paste the Import Data, or enter the Owner Name and select the location in the Limit To field (or select and enter the Site Address to lookup); then, click Lookup.
    If found, the property is shown on the right.

  4. Click the property to display the Selected Property Match panel below the Import Data:

  5. Select the matching information if available from the Choose Person Match section. Otherwise, select Do not import contact data.

  6. Click Match.
    The contact/property is added to your newly imported List.

  7. Continue with the Review Matches window to match your imported List with PropertyRadar data.

Using the Review Matches window, you can also do the following:

  • Remove the match

  • View the Import Data

  • Filter the imported data
    Click Filter, and choose to filter by Confidence, Property Status, or Person Status

    Filter by Confidence, Property Status, or Person Status

    From Confidence, choose the confidence range by which to filter your Review Matches.
    From Property Status, choose from the options: Matched, Selected, Pending, Not Found by which to filter the Review Matches.
    From Person Status, choose from the options: Matched Primary, Added as Primary, Selected as Primary, or Not Found by which to filter the Review Matches.

Add Monitoring, Insights & Automations

After you import a list into PropertyRadar, you can add monitoring, insights, and automations to keep your Import List continually updated.

  1. In your My Lists window, click the Settings button in your Import List.

    Click Setting in the Import List

    The Import List Settings window is displayed.

  2. Select the Add Monitoring, Insights & Automations checkbox.
    The required time-frame for monitoring the list is defined below.

  3. Click Save to begin monitoring your Import List.

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